Well here is the new schdeule, all of the pre production is done as well as the production stuff. However Lewis and I were wandering when percentage we're at with the animation. Since we've done all the 2D animation of the audience, we now only have the 3D part to do, so we decided that it's about 20% done. I have to figure out how to do this running cycle which is proving to be quit an itch in the butt, but I found a tutorial that seems good enough. Next after that I'll need to find a way to create a water droplet which will act as a drool from Durg....should be easy enough I hope.
This rave on air thing is worrying me a bit but I ain't that worried about it, but it's the fact that I got a crack version of DVD Encore 2.0 and it doesn't work! I can't even uninstall it, repair it or modify it! Those damn error messages keep popping up! Sigh anyways I'll break through it one way or another, but on a happy not I was able to complete an animation for Durg. It needs tweaking but I'm really happy with the movement. A couple of guys from class, looked at it and laughed, so I'm glad I got the appeal down. That's it for know I'll be sure to post up Blots running sequence, see ya!