Man this cold or flu that I have, really isn't making things easy. But here it is my rough storyboards. It starts of with a front shot of the stage with the curtains seperating, revealing a figure. The camera switches too a close up of Blot and we then swith to a 3/4 close up shot of Blot revealing the wheel. (The wheel as a woman on it). In that same shot we seen blot walk or run in front of the wheel and stands straight. We then zoom out to a low angle 3/4 shot of him taking out 2 knives raising them above his head. The audience are in suspence. He lowers them both mid way and proceeds the throw three of them stylishly. When the 3rd one is thrown his counter part Durg runs in front of them. We see Blot look shock and horrified and so does the audience as they see him get stabbed. We don't see but there is a SFX. We then see the back of Blot with blood in front of him, he then turns and smiles embarrassingly. This is it. I think that there may be things that no doubt need to be taken out of this but if we combine my own and Lewis's version it should come together nicely.
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